We Have Speech and Occupational Therapy Appointments Available
How long do therapy sessions go for?
Is there a cancellation fee?
Can I use my private health on the day?
How much does Medicare cover for my appointments if I have a Chronic Disease Management Plan?
What does my therapist do for me outside of our face to face time?
How much does therapy cost?
Frequently Asked Questions
Therapy sessions are generally 45-60minutes in duration in clinic
We have a 48 hour cancellation policy, your therapist will offer other options in the event you need to cancel within this time including a parent only, telehealth if appropriate, resource making, and reporting.
Private health is an option and we have facilities to be able to put a claim through on the day. You can enquire with your private health fund in regards to amount your fund will cover so you are aware of the gap payment. You cannot use private health and Medicare for the same appointment.
Medicare will cover a portion of the session fee for up to 5 sessions in a calendar year. You GP will recommend up to 5 sessions that you can use for your appointments. Payment of the full fee is required on the day and then a Medicare rebate is processed for you (approximately $60, you can access Medicare Benefits Scheme information here on rebates for 10970 for SLP & 10958 for OT)
Our clinical team work hard to ensure we are providing a quality and individualised service. Outside of the face to face time you see us for each session we also:
Plan therapy sessions specific for your child around their interests
Record progress, observations, and information from therapy sessions
Prepare and review goals
Complete professional development to continue to ensure we are keeping up to date with best practice
Research and participate in mentoring and supervision to come back to sessions with accurate information
Stay up to date with NDIS changes
Plan, reflect, think about your child's therapy session on the way home in the car, sometimes in the middle of the night, and while getting ready in the morning!
Create specific resources for your child based on their likes and interests
Our sessions are billed at the hourly rate of $193.99 which is based on the NDIS Price Guide 2023-2024. All sessions include 45 minutes of face to face time in clinic with your therapist and 15 minutes of non face to face time for out of session work including tasks such as note preparation, analysing data, reviewing session progress, and goal refining and review. Our assessments, reporting and non face to face time are also billed at $193.99 per hour.