We Have Speech and Occupational Therapy Appointments Available
About Us
We are a team of highly passionate paediatric speech pathologists and occupational therapists!
We love to see the joy on our young clients faces when they greet their therapists, end their session on a high after having achieved a new skill or come out of our resource room with their therapist after excitedly choosing some activities for their session.
We know that caregivers are their child's first teachers and play a crucial role in advocating for their child, we do our very best to meet families where they are at, acknowledging that this may not always be where we think.
We value feedback and opportunities to reflect and change our practices, communication, processes and the way we do things so that we can continue to provide a service that is relevant, appropriate, evidence-based and in line with what our community and clients need.
We have a strong commitment to building our neuro-affirming practices, acknowledging that the ways we have been taught and trained in needs to be questioned, reflected on and in many instances changed to support our neurodivergent population.